Session 41 Posted

In keeping with Helen's request to begin posting the most recent Sessions first, Session 41 is now posted to the website. This session was held August 18, 2017.

Session 42 Posted

Helen has asked me to begin posting the sessions beginning with the most recent session first and then posting earlier sessions next. And so I have just posted Session 42 which was held February 11, 2018.

Next Session Set

Helen has set the next date for a Session with The Emissarians. It will be Friday evening, July 14th. If you live in the Houston area, come join us or participate via live stream. I have uploaded Session 19 to the website today with more to come soon.

Free Membership!

Helen has made membership free for the rest of 2017. Go to the membership page and sign up to enjoy full access to all the audios and videos on the the site.

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